The Benefits Of Recurring Payments

Subscription services like content streaming apps, news websites, and even meal kit boxes have experienced significant growth in recent years. And unlike most businesses, the pandemic might have even given the business model a boost.


The prolific success of subscription services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime clearly shows that the model is here to stay. From predictable income to personalization and customer engagement, the benefits of adopting this model are just too difficult to pass up.


If you’re interested in starting or maybe in the process of improving your subscription business model, one of the most crucial steps is to find a payment partner that would allow for a seamless transition to recurring payment. Finding the right one can potentially spell the difference between your business’ success or failure.


What is a Recurring Payment?


One of the backbones of the subscription services is the recurring payment agreement between the merchant and its consumers. This agreement entails the consumers allowing merchants to pull funds from their accounts at regular intervals in exchange for goods and services rendered. Typically, the agreement lasts until a predetermined expiry date or until the consumer retracts their permission.


Kulturra’s Payment Center offers a payment application with seamless implementation of recurring payments that businesses can quickly and easily deploy. The feature lets businesses automatically generate invoices and process recurring payments.


The Benefits of Implementing Kulturra’s Recurring Payments Feature


If you’re thinking of getting into a subscription service business, Kulturra’s Payment Center should be an excellent choice as an invoicing and payment processing partner.


Payment Center does not only have a wide variety of available payment methods, it also has a recurring payment feature that can help your subscription business succeed.


Reduce Late Payments and Collection Time


Late payments are not easy to deal with. It can affect both your business’ income and your customer relationships. Recurring payments can help in preventing late payments as it automatically sends your consumers an invoice promptly giving them enough time to pay. 


Payment Center’s Recurring Payment feature is even better for customers who choose to pay using credit cards. The feature allows them to pay seamlessly by entering their card details once and automatically pay in the subsequent billing cycle without having to do anything else.


Payment Center even automates payment receipt issuance via email. In case there are issues with payment processing such as a failed transaction, the app also automatically sends a notification to your customer about the error. In which case, customers can either fix the issue with their bank or use a new credit card for the transaction.


The app also allows businesses to automatically retry failed payments on a customizable time frame. Or, you can simply send reminders to your customers about their outstanding balance.


These benefits provide a two-fold benefit to both your business and your consumers. Other than helping reduce late payments and improving collection time for you, it also helps consumers engage with your business easily and seamlessly.


Minimize Effort


Recurring payments should also help cut on time spent on performing administrative tasks. For one thing, inputting credit card details each billing cycle on a manual payment system can easily add up to quite a lot of productive man-hours. 


Manual invoicing is a tedious process as well. A simple input error can cause some serious damage for both you and your customers.


With recurring payments, all you need to do is establish a payment plan once and you can let the software do its job for future billing cycles. You only have to intercede if changes need to be made to the original plan. It’s an effortless process that can help you focus on your core business.


Improve Customer Relationships


Speaking of improving your core business, one of the best benefits of having the time to improve it is that it significantly enhances customer relationships as well. It helps you focus on providing a better service or product which your customers can appreciate.


Furthermore, automated recurring payments can also help you focus on customer service tasks. So, if problems do come up, you can easily help your consumers through it instead of having to tend to invoice and payment processing tasks.


Secured Transaction Within Salesforce


Payment Center has tokenization enabled. With this feature, Payment Center doesn’t store actual credit card details. This prevents potential hackers from obtaining their customer’s details even during data leaks.


Additionally, as an AppExchange app, Payment Center has an added layer of Salesforce’s Enhanced Transaction Security making sure payments are secure. This means transactions made through Payment Center have real-time monitoring, threat detection, keys and certificates management, and a whole lot more.


Why Get Kulturra’s Payment Center for Your Subscription Business?


The subscription business model has proven to be a particularly profitable venture to explore. However,  it’s only going to be a successful endeavor if it’s done with the right  payment partner such as Payment Center.


With Kulturra’s leading financial app, you’re sure to experience a reduced late payment and collection time, less administrative work, and improved customer relationships, all while having Salesforce’s Enhanced Transaction Security features.

5-Step Guide to Payment Processor Selection

Choosing a payment processor is a crucial decision for any business looking to securely accept payments from customers – whether you operate in a physical storefront or online. With the growing number of payment processing options available in the market, choosing the best fit for your business needs can be a challenging task, especially if you’re looking to integrate with Salesforce. Luckily, Kulturra currently integrates with 146 payment processors, and that number is always growing, so you’ll likely be able to choose whichever processor best fits your needs.


This article will guide you through the five key steps of choosing the payment processor that best fits your business needs. The right payment processor should meet the specific needs of your business, offer competitive fees, provide robust security measures, and be easy to use and integrate with your existing systems. Whether you’re a small business owner, an online seller, or a large enterprise, this article will provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision and ensure a smooth payment processing experience for your business.


Here are the 5 key steps to choosing the best payment processor for your business:


1. Determine your payment processing needs


Before you begin your search, it’s important to understand your business’s specific payment processing requirements. Consider factors such as the types of payments you need to accept, your desired processing speed, and your preferred payment methods.


2. Review fees and pricing


Payment processors charge fees for processing transactions. These can include transaction fees, monthly fees, and setup fees, among others. Review the fee structure of different payment processors to determine which one offers the best value for your business.


3. Evaluate security measures


Payment security is of the utmost importance, especially in the current climate of increasing cyber threats. Choose a payment processor that has robust security measures in place to protect your business and your customers’ sensitive information.


4. Assess ease of use and integration


Look for a payment processor that is user-friendly and easy to integrate with your existing systems, such as Salesforce and Accounting Software (Kulturra does both). Consider factors such as the availability of developer APIs and the ease of setting up and managing your account.


5. Consider customer support


Choose a payment processor that offers excellent customer support. This can include online resources, 24/7 phone support, and a responsive helpdesk. Ensure that the payment processor you choose can provide the support you need when you need it.


Now, for those of you looking for a bit more detail, let’s dive into each step.


Step 1: Determine your payment processing needs 


This is the first and arguably most important step in choosing a payment processor. Understanding your business’s specific payment processing requirements will help you narrow down your options and choose a processor that fits your needs. When determining your payment processing needs, consider the following factors:


Types of payments you need to accept

Do you need to accept credit and debit card payments, bank transfers/ach/direct debit, or other payment methods? Consider the payment methods that are most commonly used by your customers and ensure that your payment processor supports them.


Processing speed

How quickly do you need transactions to be processed? Some payment processors offer real-time processing, while others may take several days to process transactions. Consider the processing speed that is most appropriate for your business.


Volumes and frequency of transactions

Consider the number of transactions you expect to process and how frequently they will occur. This information will help you determine the processor that can handle the volume and frequency of transactions that your business requires.


By fully analyzing and defining these needs, you’ll be able to make a much more informed decision. 


Step 2: Review fees and pricing


Payment processors charge fees for processing transactions. These fees can include transaction fees, monthly fees, setup fees, and others. When reviewing fees and pricing, consider the following factors:


Transaction fees

This is the fee charged for processing each transaction. The fee may be a percentage of the transaction value, a flat rate, or a combination of both. The de-facto industry standard rate is 2.9% + 30 cents per transaction for credit card processing. Review the transaction fees charged by different payment processors to determine which one offers the best value for your business.


Monthly fees

Some payment processors charge a monthly fee for using their services. Consider whether the monthly fee is reasonable for the services you will receive.


Setup fees

Some payment processors charge a one-time fee for setting up your account. Determine whether this fee is reasonable and necessary for the services you will receive.


Other fees

Some payment processors may charge additional fees, such as chargeback fees, refund fees, data transfer fees, or gateway fees. Review these fees to determine whether they are reasonable and necessary.


Carefully review the fees and pricing of different payment processors. This allows you to determine which one offers the best value for your business. It’s important to keep in mind that the lowest fees may not always be the best option, as some payment processors may have hidden fees or less favorable terms.


Step 3: Evaluate security measures


Payment security is a critical consideration when choosing a payment processor. With increasing cyber threats, it’s essential to choose a payment processor that has robust security measures in place to protect your business and your customers’ sensitive information. When evaluating security measures, consider the following factors:


PCI Compliance

Ensure that the payment processor you choose is PCI DSS compliant. This is an industry-standard security measure that helps protect against cardholder data breaches.


Encryption and Tokenization

Ensure that the payment processor uses encryption and tokenization to protect sensitive information. Encryption scrambles data into an unreadable form, while tokenization replaces sensitive information with a unique code. Kulturra is compatible with tokenization, meaning that if your processor supports it, we’ll be able to store tokenized card information, keeping your customers safe.


Fraud Detection

Look for a payment processor that has advanced fraud detection and prevention measures in place. This can include 3D Secure, AVS (Address Verification System), and CVV (Card Verification Value) checks. Depending on the processor, Kulturra supports this too!


Data Storage

Consider where the payment processor stores sensitive information. Ensure that the data is stored in a secure and encrypted environment.


By evaluating the security measures of different payment processors, you can choose one that provides the highest level of security for your business and your customers. It’s important to prioritize security when choosing a payment processor, as the consequences of a data breach can be severe.


Step 4: Assess ease of use and integration


When selecting a payment processor, it’s important to choose one that is user-friendly and easy to integrate with your existing systems, as well as any others you plan to use. Otherwise, you’re only creating a larger headache for yourself – technology should solve problems, not create them. Here are some factors to consider when evaluating the ease of use and integration of a payment processor:


Developer APIs

Does the payment processor offer APIs for developers to integrate its services into their own applications or websites? If it’s one of our 140+ supported processors, the answer is yes!


Account setup

Is it easy to set up an account with the payment processor, and does the processor provide adequate support throughout the setup process?



Does the payment processor integrate with your existing systems, such as Salesforce and your accounting software? Kulturra can help!


By considering these factors, you can choose a payment processor that is easy to use and integrate, and provides the support you need to manage your account and transactions with confidence.


Step 5: Consider customer support


Customer support is an important factor to consider when selecting a payment processor, as it can help ensure that you have the support you need when you need it. Here are some factors to consider when evaluating the customer support offered by a payment processor:


Online resources

Does the payment processor have a comprehensive online knowledge base, including articles, FAQs, and tutorials, to help you understand its services and troubleshoot any issues you may encounter?


Phone support

Does the payment processor offer 24/7 phone support, so you can get the help you need when you need it?



Is the payment processor’s helpdesk responsive and able to resolve any issues you may encounter in a timely manner?


Dispute resolution

Does the payment processor have a process for resolving disputes, such as chargebacks, in a timely and fair manner?


By considering these customer support  factors, you can choose a payment processor that offers the level of support you need. Adequate customer support can help ensure that you have the resources you need to resolve any issues that may arise.


Choosing a payment processor can be a complex and challenging task, but by following these 5 steps, you can make an informed decision that meets your specific payment processing needs:


1. Determine your payment processing needs

2. Review fees and pricing

3. Evaluate security measures

4. Assess ease of use and integration

5. Consider customer support


When evaluating payment processors, consider factors such as the types of payments you need to accept, processing speed, fees, security measures, ease of use, integration with existing systems, and customer support. By considering these factors, you can choose a payment processor that offers the best functionality and value for your business, protects your customers’ sensitive information, and provides the support you need to manage your business and transactions with confidence. Feel free to reach out to our team if you have any more questions!

5 Reasons To Take Credit Card Payments In Salesforce


1. Cash flow is king


One of the main advantages of taking credit card payments in Salesforce is the ease of taking payments right after a sale.


Imagine a scenario where a salesperson is talking with a customer over the phone and the customer is ready to pay with their credit card. You probably would not want to delay that payment, you would want to take that then. 


Or imagine a service company sending their technicians to the field. If, after completing the service, the customer is ready to pay with their credit card, you would want to take that too. That would save you time from having to chase payments afterwards.


By arming your sales and service teams the ability to take credit card payments, your payments are on-time, ultimately improving your cash flow.


2. Keep your data in one place


Salesforce has become the system of record for most companies. Salesforce is where your customer data lives, so it makes sense to do your other business functions there as well, as opposed to using other systems where you have to duplicate your customer data.


There’s a lot of manual entry involved in maintaining multiple systems. These systems can be integrated but there’s likely complications involved during and after the integration, not to mention the work involved in dealing with multiple vendors.


By taking credit card payments in Salesforce, you’re simplifying your tech stack and you have payment history right where your customer data lives.


3. Automation


After a business gets paid for their products or services, there’s generally a series of activities that need to be done, whether it’s to fulfill the order, to schedule a project kickoff meeting, or to simply send a thank you email.


In Salesforce, automating these activities is possible, if not simple. The Salesforce platform comes with workflow automation tools that are relatively simple to use. And while other systems in general have limited automation capabilities, Salesforce has few limitations, if any.


4. Your customers can self-serve


Many businesses come to Salesforce for its “portal” capabilities. With this capability, they are able to offer their customers the ability to login to a portal where they can serve themselves, such as create support tickets or view their invoices.


Through your portal, you can also have your customers pay or update their credit card information for future payments.


5. Security


The Salesforce platform comes with state of the art security and the latest encryption technology. They maintain a comprehensive set of compliance certifications and attestations, including PCI Compliance.


If you’re taking credit card payments, it is important to protect your customers’ credit card information. Doing so in Salesforce ensures your customers’ payment information is protected. This helps build trust, leading to more business in the long term.


How can you take credit cards in Salesforce?


The first step is to sign up for a merchant account or a gateway. If you have one existing, you should be able to use that.


Once you have the merchant account or the gateway, install an app like Kulturra’s Payment Center in your Salesforce org. Using an app like this gets you up and running quickly and helps you take advantage of the benefits of taking credit card payments in Salesforce!


Sage Music® ▶

Sage Music®

Custom music lessons for all ages and levels

Jason Sagebiel, founder of Sage Music®, talks about how they overcame their invoicing challenges with the help of Payment Center.

Sage Music Founder, Jason Sagebiel

Jason Sagebiel is not like any music teacher you may have encountered before. After suffering a traumatic brain injury in the Iraq war, his cognitive and motor skills were left impaired. He turned to music during his recovery and coincidentally began the next chapter in his life, as a music teacher.

Inspired by the research and therapy that helped him to recover from his injuries, he developed a pedagogy and approach to learning and teaching music using techniques based on the science and psychology of learning.

His inspiring story has been documented on TV, radio, and in two books: Jon Pieslak’s SoundTargets, and J. Martin Daughtry’s Listening To War.

Do what you do best and let Payment Center do invoicing and payments for you. Contact us today.

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Want to learn more how you can streamline your payments and invoices using Payment Center? Talk to us.



The #1 Manufacturing and Inventory Management Software for QuickBooks

Kulturra interviewed Taylor Boyer, Senior Salesforce Administrator, at Fishbowl.

What does Fishbowl do?

Fishbowl has an Inventory Management Software that is the #1 Manufacturing Software for QuickBooks. We help businesses track and streamline the automation of their inventory, while also providing a seamless integration with over 60 different software solutions.

Fishbowl also provides Hosting Services that give customers the ability to use Fishbowl without needing the IT knowledge or computing infrastructure to run it at their local environment. We understand inventory and provide a solution to managing it.

How long have you been using Payment Center?

We’ve been using Payment Center since December 2018. We discovered it while implementing Salesforce into our Organization through the Salesforce AppExchange.

What challenges were you looking to solve when you found Payment Center?

The Executive Team at Fishbowl wanted something that would easily integrate with our Salesforce CRM and could be customized to our business processes. Some of the other challenges included:

How did Payment Center solved your challenges?

Installing Payment Center is quick and easy, and hooking it up to took no time at all. Our Sales Team really enjoys the simplicity of sending invoices from within Salesforce, and allowing customers to click on the Pay Now link within the invoice to make a payment. After a payment is processed the customer gets a receipt, and everything in Salesforce is updated to reflect this. If needed, the customer can request a payment plan, which the user selects in Salesforce, and it will automatically bill the customer based on the terms of the payment plan.

Payment Center also has a nice management area within Salesforce where any of our Sales Admins can go to make changes to the app.

"Our Sales Team really enjoys the simplicity of sending invoices from within Salesforce, and allowing customers to click on the Pay Now link within the invoice to make a payment"

Why would you recommend Payment Center and Kulturra?

"Solid product that integrates with Salesforce CRM"

"Kulturra Support is great to work with and their knowledge base online is fantastic"

We would recommend Payment Center for the following reasons:

Let's Get Started

Want to learn more how you can streamline your payments and invoices using Payment Center? Talk to us.

AmeriClerkships Medical Society ▶


Pedram Mizani, MD, CEO of AmeriClerkships, talks about how they consolidated their payments and invoices in Salesforce using Payment Center.


AmeriClerkships Medical Society (AMS) was established on March 12, 2007, to help U.S. medical educators meet the challenges of improving resident preparation and selection process.

AMS is also the intellectual property owner of the "World’s Largest Online Booking Platform for U.S. Internships, Externships & Clerkships", known as MyClinicals. This live online system enables prospective physicians to choose to be mentored by any of AMS’ 700+ affiliated U.S. physicians.

Today, AMS and MyClinicals together are a powerful professional physician network that streamline and accelerate physician career development in the United States.

Consolidate your payments and invoices in Salesforce. Contact us today.

Let's Get Started

Want to learn more how you can streamline your payments and invoices using Payment Center? Talk to us.


Cord Blood Banking

with Americord®

About Americord®​

Americord is a leader in the advancement of umbilical cord blood, cord tissue and placental tissue banking. As a private bank, Americord collects, processes and stores stem cells for future medical or therapeutic use by the family who saves them.

Americord provides expecting parents with flexible payment options for storing their newborns' stem cells.

Americord Registry, Inc is an Inc 5000 fastest growing company for 2015-2019.

Kulturra interviewed Nina Gonzalez, Data Management and System Integration for Americord, about their use of Payment Center.


How long have you been using Kulturra’s Payment Center?

We started using Payment Center in 2016 after doing extensive research for a payment program that integrates with Salesforce, our website and client portal.

Payment Center user since 2016


What challenges were you looking to solve when you found Payment Center?

Americord was looking for a payment solution that was scalable and secure. We required a solution that can handle recurring payments and automated billing. The new system needed to integrate seamlessly with Salesforce, an ecommerce website and a client portal. We needed the flexibility to change installment plans, charge monthly fees, and use different credit cards. We wanted a system that would alert our customers if a payment failed and also a way to alert customers when their credit cards are about to expire. Plus, we wanted a system that would make it easy for customers to provide a new credit card and make payments.

"Looking for a payment solution that was scalable and secure"


How has Payment Center helped you solved the problems?

We worked with three other systems prior to moving to Payment Center and Payment Center is significantly better than any other product. It is stable and reliable. It integrates well with Salesforce. Payment Center has APIs that are easy to use for website and client portal integration. Also, our business model requires some unique features and the Kulturra team has been very reliable in providing assistance for our custom integration.

"We worked with three other systems prior to moving to Payment Center and Payment Center is significantly better than any other product."


Why would you recommend Payment Center and Kulturra?

Payment Center is a product that has a lot of options and flexibility, but it is not complicated to use. Americord is a fast growing company, and our requirements continue to evolve. Payment Center has enough flexibility to continue to meet our needs.

The Kulturra team has consistently proven to be an excellent and reliable vendor with dependable customer service. They are available, knowledgeable, professional and timely with their support.

"The Kulturra team has consistently proven to be an excellent and reliable vendor with dependable customer service."

See how Payment Center can help you with your recurring payments and automated billing. Contact us today.

Let's Get Started

Want to learn more how you can streamline your payments and invoices using Payment Center? Talk to us.

Move For Hunger

Mobilizing the relocation industry to reduce food waste and fight hunger

Fighting Hunger, One Move at a Time

More than 40 million Americans face hunger every day. Meanwhile, 40% of the food produced in the United States every year is wasted. Move For Hunger offers a sustainable solution to this inexcusable paradox.

Their network of socially-responsible relocation companies provides their customers, clients, and residents with the opportunity to donate their food when they move. Members of Move For Hunger also volunteer to host/assist with community food drives, participate in cause marketing campaigns, and create employee giving programs. Since 2009, they have delivered more than 21.1 million pounds of food to food banks across the United States and Canada. That’s the equivalent of 17.7 million meals.

And they are just getting started.

Payment Center for Move For Hunger

Move For Hunger has been using Kulturra Payment Center since 2018.

As their growing network expands, their accounting team needed a solution for creating invoices that is not cumbersome and won't take so much of their time. According to Adam Lowy, Move For Hunger's Executive Director, Kulturra Payment Center has been a gamechanger for their organization!


“This app has literally saved hours of time for my team members - giving us more time to focus on the work we’re doing to fight hunger across the country. Customer service has also been super fast, with some additional great resources located on their website. I’d definitely recommend to anyone looking to streamline their invoicing process.“
Adam Lowy
Founder & Executive Director

Here are other team members that are using Payment Center on what they think about the app and how it helped them on a daily basis.​

The Best Payment App!​​

“This app has been a LIFESAVER. Before Kulturra Payment Center, our team had to inefficiently create an invoice manually. When your team has a few hundred invoices to send, this can get very tedious and time consuming! In using the Payment Center, we have been able to cut down on our administrative time for invoices, and get back to doing our jobs more efficiently.“
Bridget Foley
Director of Multi-family programs

Saves us so much time as an organization!​

“Previous to using this, we had to manually create PDF invoices as well as enter the information into Salesforce. While it doesn’t sound like this would take up so much time, the Kulturra Payment Center has made a world of difference! It has allowed our non-profit organization to utilize our time much more efficiently.”
Kelly DePinho
Program Director

Very helpful app!

“Our org has been using this app and it has truly made a difference in how we manage invoicing. We are able to easily create, send, and follow up with our donations. Love how they are connected to the opportunity and do not need to be uploaded as an attachment. Thanks for making our lives more efficient so we are able to focus on fighting hunger!”
Alexandra Marcus
Partner Relations & Engagement Manager

Take back your time and let Payment Center do the invoicing for you. Contact us today.

Let's Get Started

Want to learn more how you can streamline your payments and invoices using Payment Center? Talk to us.



Where Design, Function + Service Unite For Powerful Results

HAVEN is a home staging firm with over 11 years of experience transforming spaces into memorable havens. With a focus on Chicago's urban neighborhoods, they offer a warehouse of on-trend designer curated furnishings that help sell properties faster and for more money. HAVEN offer a variety of services, including vacant, partially occupied, and occupied staging along with occupied and video consultations.

They stage empty properties with their own on-trend furnishings or combine their inventory with clients' own furniture — condos to single family homes, entry-level to high-end.

They pride themselves on clear communication and thorough site visits. They take detailed measurements, notes and photos, so each of their team members can interchangeably work on any part of the process.

They use the latest technology to ensure a smooth transaction — from e-signature to online payment.

Unlike most Chicago staging companies, HAVEN offers a month-to-month contract and provides the best staging product for a swift sale, which results in fewer mortgage payments and carrying costs.

"We have been using Kulturra Payment Center for the past 18 months. The Kulturra team is so helpful in answering our questions. They're always willing to jump on a call to further clarify solutions for us and help us brainstorm. They are a great partner in our business operations. "
Deniz Hedden
Operations Manager

According to Deniz Hedden, HAVEN's operations manager, invoicing and payments took up a substantial amount of their day-to-day time.

“Invoices had been handled manually (PDF) for 10 years; we were looking to automate the process to free up the owner of the company's time as well as resolve outstanding balances. The owner felt she was in a position of a debt collector because payments were not automated. It took up a substantial amount of her day-to-day, not allowing her to focus on big picture business items.”

After implementing Payment Center, they've collected more outstanding cash and substantially cut their time doing invoicing and payments.

“We resolved over $60k in outstanding cash at any given time by automating credit card payments using Kulturra Payment Center. Clients were always happy to leave a credit card on file, we just did not have the means with which to do so prior. Our day-to-day invoicing runs in a much more automated manner with Kulturra Payment Center. We set up recurring payments as new projects arise and just monitor ongoing payments.”

"Resolved $60K in outstanding cash at any given time."

Just like HAVEN, you can also take back your time and let Payment Center do the invoicing and payments for you. Contact us today.

Let's Get Started

Want to learn more how you can streamline your payments and invoices using Payment Center? Talk to us.

Real Thread


Founded: 2009
Headquarters: Orlando, Florida
Industry: Apparel and Fashion

Dru Dalton

CEO of Real Thread

Kulturra's app has become an integral part of our business and our team loves using it. It makes processing cards from within Salesforce a breeze! Their support is great and were very willing to help us with whatever we needed to make this app work for our business! Highly recommend!

About Real Thread

Real Thread creates custom printed t-shirts, hats, bags, face masks and more with super soft and sustainable printing style. Their services includes screen printing, embroidery, helps with fundraising, and handling fulfillment. Kulturra have spoken with Dru Dalton, Real Thread's CEO, on how Payment Center has helped his organization optimize their payments and invoices.

How long have you been using Payment Center?

"We have been a customer of Payment Center since 2013. We discovered it when we were looking for a payment processing on the Salesforce AppExchange."

What challenges were you looking to solve when you found Payment Center?

"We wanted a fast and easy way to let our customers pay for their orders. We wanted it to be fast for our team to send invoices and collect payment, as well as fast for our back office team to track, apply, and reconcile payments."

How did the Payment Center solution solve your challenges?

"Payment Center solved both of our desires and more. Since our accounting application (Accounting Seed) is also built natively inside Salesforce, our back office saves a lot of time not having to manually add any card transactions to our Accounting system, they're all immediately and automatically added when a payment is made with Payment Center.

Payment Center is super fast and easy to create payment options for customers based on the data in Salesforce. It can be automated and is turnkey with no or minimal development cost."

Like Real Thread, you can also streamline your payments and invoices With Payment Center. Contact us today.

Let's Get Started

Want to learn more how you can streamline your payments and invoices using Payment Center? Talk to us.

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