Thomas Wilhelm Albrecht

Founder and CEO

About Us

TWA Mentale Innovation is an executive coaching business based in Austria that works with leaders, executives, bosses, entrepreneurs, and the self-employed. The company’s founder and CEO, Thomas Wilhelm Albrecht, is an author with three widely-read books on professional communication, persuasion, and the nuances of language in politics, business, and day-to-day affairs.

Through TWA Mentale Innovation GmbH, Thomas offers his services as a keynote speaker, consultant, and lecturer on communication, language, and speech. He helps business leaders, entrepreneurs, and self-employed individuals find effective communication tools and methods designed to improve their business and personal lives through these services.

“Sparrings-Partner for Leaders” is one of Thomas’ most critical consulting services in which he serves as a sounding board for leaders through the whole process of ideation. It’s a highly-recommended service as it helps leaders navigate analysis paralysis for the most demanding topics. Through the “Sparrings-Partner for Leaders” program, Thomas has helped countless leaders generate solutions to some highly complex problems.

What role has Payment Center played in accomplishing your goals, bettering your business, and making you more successful?

Payment Center is the ideal Salesforce extension when it comes to invoicing. I no longer have to deal with multiple databases because of its excellent integration with Salesforce.

What challenges were you looking at before implementing Kulturra Payment Center?

Because my previous invoicing software was not as well-integrated to Salesforce, I’ve been handling data from Salesforce and importing them to my invoicing software, which can be problematic, especially as my clientele grows. The multiple databases also made it challenging to track outstanding invoices.

Customers nowadays prefer the convenience of online payments, Kulturra’s easy online payment feature is one way of future-proofing my business.

How did Kulturra’s Payment Center help you solve those challenges?

Since Payment Center is a native Salesforce integration, it works seamlessly with my Salesforce database. As a result, I no longer have to deal with multiple databases, which has helped me save precious time.

Why would you recommend Kulturra Payment Center and their team?

The extension is easy to install and implement. The support team is also top-notch as they respond swiftly, even to the most basic queries.

Are there particular aspects of your process that are now easier because of Payment Center?

Payment reminders and reports of outstanding invoices helps me monitor my cash flow. In addition, creating invoices directly from Salesforce opportunities makes invoice creation easy and convenient. Less steps and easier to manage.

How much time has our solution allowed you to save overall in payment processing?

I’m saving 10-15 minutes per invoice. With the volume of my clients, Payment Center saves me multiple hours per week doing administrative tasks.

How much improvement has Payment Center help you in managing your invoicing process, payment collection, and financial reporting?

Invoicing and financial reporting have improved 100%. From outstanding to paid invoices, I can see everything in one place. This complete overview will make it easier for decision-making and managing my business finance.

On the other hand, my payment collection only partly improved as my existing clients prefer not to change our current arrangements through money transfers. However, a few clients are starting to prefer to pay via online payments which Payment Center handles perfectly.

Let's Get Started

Want to learn more how you can streamline your payments and invoices using Payment Center? Talk to us.

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